Christmas is...

December 04, 2018

Christmas is...

Christmas greetings and Christmas cheer! What is it about this time of year that makes it so wonderful … cookies, parties, programs, gifts, snow, decorations, music, and the list goes on.  I asked the staff at FL Crooks & Co. to define Christmas and what the season means to them.

Christmas is...
Audrey: Christmas is my most exciting time of the year. I simply love everything about it. From the decorating, to the shopping, gift wrapping, baking, etc. I love giving gifts and feel I am a much better giver than receiver. However, even with all the preparations leading up to this day, it never truly comes to life for me until after I attend our church candlelight service. I always think of my daughter, as our family left the service one year, when she stated, "Now, it is Christmas." The excitement of sharing, caring, giving, and the love of my family and friends is a feeling like no other.

Chelsea: Christmas is a moment when time stops. It helps you reflect on the important things in your life like friends and family and provides the opportunity to give.

Cindy: Christmas is remembering the memories of my parents and grandparents and the wonderful Christmas family gatherings. And now, passing on and sharing those traditions with my loved ones... Celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Darla: As a child/teenager we went to both sets of grandparents, one for lunch and one for dinner. It was a day I saw almost all of my relatives in one day. Playing games and eating good food and desserts is one of my great memories. As an adult, we've started our own traditions with our own family. I always decorate before Thanksgiving because we love to enjoy the garlands and greens and enjoy the house all ready for Christmas. I love when all my kids are home together. We always do Christmas Eve service and enjoy the evening with good food and cheer! In all the Christmas rush, I always remember... Jesus is the reason for the season!

Gayle: Christmas is a time spent with families...watching the Christmas spirit come alive in the little children's eyes!...Christmas lights and decorations... the aroma of turkey and dressing throughout the house, as all the children gather around the Christmas tree to open their presents! And celebrating the birth of Jesus and seeing how that touches the hearts of all - young and old!!!

Jim: Christmas is a time to count your blessings and give thanks for all the wonderful blessings we have.

Kayla: All things Christmas give me that warm, fuzzy feeling. The birth of Jesus brings so much joy to myself and my family. The frenzy of the shoppers, baking cookies, Christmas music, and decorating are just a few reasons the entire Christmas season is one of my favorite times of the year!

Lydia: Christmas is about the best gift ever given to mankind. It's a time of wonder.  It's a song and a blessed promise that all will be right with the world in God's timing. It's joy, it's hope, it's peace, it's love.

Regina: First of all... Christmas is Christ's birthday, then Christmas services at church!! I love the smells of cookies baking and Christmas dinner with family, and time spent with friends, beautiful decorations and everyone in the Christmas spirit. I love Christmas shopping and all the camaraderie of the season. The season of Joy!!

Rhianna: Christmas is … Family Traditions. I always enjoy seeing all generations of family getting together to enjoy our Christmas dinner. We exchange presents and have fun together while watching the kids play.

Rob: Christmas is about Christ, always has been and always will be. It is a fantastic time to celebrate Christ with family and friends, sing some songs, go visit the lonely neighbor...Bring some cheer to the world one person at a time.

And that's what Christmas means to us!

Wishing you and yours a very happy, hope-filled, and heart-warming Christmas.

Peace on earth and goodwill toward all!
Lydia Crooks

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